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Your search for pages with all of the words "Fidel Castro" returned 6 result(s).

Che Guevara - Signed Photo of Fidel Castro & Che Guevara

Incredible original silver gelatin photograph of two modern revolutionaries: Che Guevara and Fidel Castro, believed to be taken at a baseball game in 1959 at the Estadio del Cerro in...

Fidel Castro - Signed Photo “Con Hemingway 1960” with Fidel Castro

An iconic image by Cuban photographer Osvaldo Salas captures a timeless moment between two legends—Ernest Hemingway and Fidel Castro—in May 1960, the only time the two ever met. While living...

Che Guevara - Signed Photo of Che Guevara

Che Guevara has become a nearly timeless figure in counterculture movements worldwide. As a young medical student he traveled throughout South America on a motorcycle, a journey that exposed him...

Fidel Castro - Autograph Quotation Signed

An uncommon, original Autograph Quotation Signed by Cuban President Fidel Castro on the invitation to a prestigious awards event at the “Premios Casa de Las Américas” honoring the best of...

Allen W. Dulles - Typed Letter Signed

Typed Letter Signed to prominent radio personality Mary Margaret McBride, dated April 22, 1947, on Sullivan & Cromwell letterhead, the Wall Street law firm in which Dulles was a partner....

Fidel Castro - Autograph Quotation Signed

An uncommon, original Autograph Quotation Signed by Cuban President Fidel Castro on the invitation to a prestigious awards event at the “Premios Casa de Las Américas” honoring the best of...

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