Search Results

Your search for pages with all of the words "Harry S. Truman" returned 4 result(s).

World War II - US Navy Teletype of Japanese Surrender & More

Original teletype dated 17 August 1945 announcing the surrender of Japanese forces, bringing to an end Pacific war operations in the final days of World War II. This teletype was...

Harry S. Truman - Signed Photo to Ambassador of Argentina

Historic inscribed and signed photograph of President Harry Truman, sitting at his desk in the Oval Office. This photo has been archived as an Official Portrait of President Truman in...

Veronica Lake - Autograph on Album Page

This highly desirable autograph of Humphrey Bogart was obtained in person by none other than Stanley Berman (1927-1968), a Brooklyn cab driver, actor and widely-known in New York City as...

Franklin D. Roosevelt - Franklin D. Roosevelt Typed Letter Signed as President

Pristine Typed Letter Signed on engraved light green White House stationery, boldly signed by FDR in fountain pen, addressed to the Reverend Howard Wilkinson of St. Thomas’ Church in Washington...

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