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Your search for pages with all of the words "Luther Burbank" returned 3 result(s).

Luther Burbank - Luther Burbank Typed Letter Signed

Typed letter dated June 17, 1925 and signed by Luther Burbank, the American botanist and horticulturist who developed, among many botanical marvels, an improved Irish potato (the Russet, now known...

Luther Burbank - Autographed Card

Expressive autograph by one of the leading lights in American science, Luther Burbank. Signed in Santa Rosa, California, on October 22, 1919. On 2.5″ x 4″ card, in brown fountain...

Leonard Gershe - Typed Letter Signed

Typed letter signed by Luther Burbank, the overachieving horticulturist we can thank for an improved Irish potato (the Russet, now known as the Idaho) and more than 800 strains and...

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