Search Results

Your search for pages with all of the words "Pope Innocent III" returned 4 result(s).

Pope Innocent X - Pope Innocent X Papal Bull

Beautiful papal bull on parchment from the court of Pope Innocent X dated 1648, untranslated. Measuring 12″ x 8.5″ (31cm x 22cm) this is one of the finest intact manuscripts...

Pope Clement XI - Breve by Future Pope Clement XI to Pope Alexander VIII

Vellum breve dated 30 January 1690 signed by Cardinal Giovanni Francesco Albani (“G.F. Albanus,” the future Pope Clement XI, on lower right of recto), as cardinal secretary of state during...

Pope Leo X de' Medici - Papal Bulla Medallion

Papal Bulla struck in 1517 for Pope Leo X de’ Medici, with a scarce though generous tuft of yellow silk cord still attached at each end, indicating this bulla had...

Pope Innocent III - Lead Papal Bulla

Extremely scarce lead papal bulla from the reign of Pope Innocent III, the most significant pope of the Middle Ages. With a 4cm diameter and 5mm thickness, this seal is...

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